If Punxsutawney Phil does not see his shadow on Groundhog Day every February 2, we can anticipate an early spring.

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Will the Shadow be seen by Punxsutawney Phil? Will he forecast six more weeks of winter or an early spring?

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We'll soon have the answers to our yearly queries when we broadcast live coverage of Groundhog Day 2024 on Feb 2 Friday morning.

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when Punxsutawney Phil hails from Gobbler's Knob in western Pennsylvania to deliver his prophecy.

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Starting just before dawn on Friday, February 2, you may watch the live broadcast inside this story on various YouTube channel

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Phil's Groundhog Day prediction outcomes will be updated in this story.

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While the weather prediction made on Groundhog Day is not even close to being scientific or accurate

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Every February 2, a long-standing custom always garners national attention.

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While the main enthusiasm around Groundhog Day celebrations appears to be the anticipation of an early spring

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