Moana 2, Disney Animation’s all-new feature-length sequel to 2016’s Oscar-nominated film, will be released in theaters in 2024.
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"The Moana franchise continues to enjoy immense popularity," Walt Disney CEO Iger stated.
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"And when Moana 2 hits theatres in November, we can't wait to give you even more Moana and Maui." He added
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The magnificent animated musical Moana 2 from Walt Disney Animation Studios transports viewers
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on a vast new journey with Moana, Maui, and a fresh company of peculiar sailors.
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Following an unexpected phone call from her ancestors who guided her,
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Moana had to travel to the remote oceanic regions of Oceania and into hazardous
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long-lost waters for an experience she has never had before.
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Nov. 27, 2024, sees the release of Moana 2.
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